Let's tour through the center of Holland
Just some hundred meters off highway A12 is the starting point. The parking area of the sports park in Odijk.

You leave the parking in the southern direction. Soon after, you enter the first tranquil path. At the end of this, you encounter a couple of hundred meters of unpaved road. I decided to leave these meters in as the track leading to this is so lovely. However, if you don’t want it, just stay on the main road (a wide cycling path next to a road) and don’t turn left after km 3 when the GPX tells you so.

First dike and ferry over river Lek
Shortly after crossing the bridge, you enter the first dike of the day. It will surely not be the last. Cycling on the dam of the river Lek gives you an excellent first impression of the area, but there is much more to come.

Through lovely towns and fruit fields

At km 45, you pass through the outer parts of Beesd. Usually, the lovely aspects of a town are in the city center. Here in Beesd, you find the old center on the rim of the town.

Continuing the tour through the center of Holland, the following 10 km lead you through some more little villages. Between those, you see open fields and fruit fields.

You then cross the Amsterdam Rijnkanal. You do that by crossing a bridge which gives you a fantastic view of a large sluice.

Enter a forest area (and a surpise awaits you)

The mansion and castle part of the tour through the center of Holland
After a pleasant ride downhill, you cycle the forest and arrive at a lovely Landgoed Broekhuizen (Landgoed = manion), at km 103. Behind the fence, you also find the last water dispenser of the day. The estate is in a park so you can also take a walk there.

From here, the return to the parking is pretty straightforward, but with a lot to see. Some more mansions and old buildings come along your way.

Practical Information for the tour through the center of Holland
Parking: Odijk next to sports park (adress: Singelpark 1, 3984 NC Odijk)